A Very Special Urban Fur: Calvary Cemetery Style!
Filed under: 11101, 11104, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens
Today I had the pleasure of taking a lengthy sojourn with the imitable proprietors of Forgotten-NY and The Newtown Pentacle. It was after the first leg of our tour that Mitch Waxman, the author of the former site, took me on a tour of Calvary Cemetery.
And I learned that not all the “residents” therein have two legs!
Per Mitch, Calvary is hoppin’ with these little guys (and gals). We are talking about rabbits after all!
Here’s a little footage I shot of this handsome little fellow. As you will see he is not too big on humans. Living ones, anyway!
Special thanks go out to Mitch for taking the time to show me some of the finer points of Calvary (among other things) today. In closing, I’d like to mention the reason why he and Kevin were taking a walk today: they are in the planning stages for a tour of points Long Island City, Sunnyside and beyond. This will come to pass April 16— so mark your calendars!
Miss Heather
P.S.: I will be compiling a slide show of sights— and sounds— from today’s sojourn so check back!
Quicklink: Nathan Kensinger Does Newtown Creek
Filed under: 11101, 11104, 11206, 11222, Blissville, Blissville Queens, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Maspeth, Maspeth Queens, Newtown Creek
I am pleased to announce Nathan Kensinger is back with another installment of photo essay goodness! This time he has directed his camera and commentary to Newtown Creek. Do take a moment and give this a read. It’s very good stuff!
Miss Heather
Quicklink: Creek Speak
Filed under: 11101, 11104, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Maspeth, Maspeth Queens, Newtown Creek
What is “Creek Speak”, you ask? Here’s how the folks at Habitat Map describe it:
Creek Speak is an oral history project that uses online interactive maps to present the stories of people and places near Newtown Creek…
You can check this out by pointing and clicking here. Do it. It’s fascinating!
Miss Heather
Have You Ever Been To DUGABO?
Filed under: 11101, 11104, 11211, 11222, Blissville, Blissville Queens, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Maspeth, Maspeth Queens, Newtown Creek
If not, here’s your golden opportunity! Next month the Working Harbor Committee will be conducting its annual fall cruise of the ‘creek! For more details (or to order tickets) you should contact the tour chairman, Bernard Ente, via email at: bernard (at) workingharbor (dot) org. Otherwise, you can get a sneak peek of what visual (and olfactory) delights await you by clicking here!
Miss Heather
Image Credits: Mitch Waxman of the Newtown Pentacle
Queens Photos Du Jour: NYCamo
Filed under: 11101, 11104, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens
From Queens Boulevard.
Miss Heather
Queens Photo Du Jour: An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Filed under: 11101, 11104, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens
Some of the people reading this are aware that the Mister’s birthday is coming— and soon. I mention this because he has been agonizing about how to celebrate it. FOR THE LAST TWO MONTHS. I am not exaggerating when I write that his “plans” have changed on a near daily basis. As of last night he stated he wanted to go a jazz club. When asked what I thought about this I told him that while not too crazy about his choice, it was his birthday and he can do what he wants.
What tomorrow will bring, who knows? All I’m saying is if he doesn’t make up his mind soon I will make it for him. And as of today “Passions” made the list.* I wonder if they offer these lubes in flights (like brandy or port)— or if this purely an a la carte affair?
Miss Heather
*Just kidding. I think.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Defend Greenthumb Gardens!
Filed under: 10002, 10003, 10009, 10012, 11101, 11104, 11201, 11205, 11206, 11211, 11215, 11216, 11217, 11221, 11222, 11231, 11237, 11372
This item comes from a fellow flower lover in north Brooklyn. She writes:
The agreement between the City of NY and the NY State Attorney General that has been protecting community gardens for the past 8 years is set to expire in September.
The City of NY recently published Proposed Rules for community gardens under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Housing, Preservation, and Development.
The AG’s agreement referred to itself as a “protocol for preservation and development of GreenThumb gardens” — some community gardens were given up for development, some were “subject to development” and 198 community gardens were “offered to the Parks Department or land trusts for preservation as community gardens or open space.”
The word “preservation” appears nowhere in the proposed rules. In a nutshell, the rules essentially make new NYC community gardens not owned by land trusts or Parks subject to development after a review process.
This is a sea change for community gardeners. Though the city has said they do not intend to develop community garden sites, this is little consolation for gardeners who fear the protections that allowed their community gardens to thrive for the past 8 years are being stripped away.
Green Guerillas has been supporting the untiring efforts of the NYC Community Garden Coalition (NYCCGC) as they have negotiated with the city, mobilized community gardeners, and made a strong case for why community gardens can and should be preserved.
Green Guerillas also mailed out 550 copies of the rules to community garden groups across the city and co-sponsored with NYCCGC an information session to help community gardeners understand the issues so they can mobilize support in their neighborhoods.
We could make an emotional appeal for why you should voice your support for preserving community gardens, but we would not do a better job than the New York Times – read their editorial HERE.
What can you do?
…Attend the upcoming public hearing: The city will be holding a public hearing on August 10th at 11 AM at the Chelsea Recreation Center at 430 W. 25th Street (between 9th & 10th Avenues) – closest trains are the C, E at 23rd Street or A at 34th Street. (To testify, you must notify Associate Counsel, Ms. Laura LaVelle at the Arsenal via telephone at (212) 360-1335 or e-mail at laura.lavelle@parks.nyc.gov by August 9, 2010.)
View and comment on the rules on the City of NY website HERE.
If you prefer to put pen (or ink cartridge) to paper, submit comments to General Counsel, Mr. Alessandro G. Olivieri, Department of Parks and Recreation, The Arsenal, Central Park, 830 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10065.
Call 311 and tell them you would like to comment on the Proposed Park Rules as published in The City Record.
As arduous and boring as this legalese is you should read it. Especially this passage:
Given tour Parks Person (and “Open Space Advocate”) has seemingly seen fit to obstruct Nick’s Garden/Red Gate Garden’s Greenthumb paperwork it makes one wonder who she’s serving. Is it the people using said parks? I think not.
The dead tree that graces the beginning of this post is a testament to her folly. It was one of the many trees planted by the Boy Scouts of America last April at her behest and due to neglect (no watering) and poor placement (being pissed on by humans and canines) died. They since have been removed. I suppose our “Parks Person” finds “carpet-bagging” concerts and fund-raisers more compelling? I can’t blame her. She has no public administration or horticultural knowledge at all. She formerly hails from Wall Street. It”s all about the money.
Which is, I can assure you, what this revision of the Greenthumb rules is about. Cashing in.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Seriously Good Stuff
Filed under: 11101, 11104, 11206, 11222, Blissville, Blissville Queens, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Maspeth, Newtown Creek, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens
You’ve been running some of my photos from the flickr pool for a while and I figured I should introduce myself and let you know how much I appreciate your blogging of daily eccentricities. When I moved to New York over a year ago and trying to figure out where to live, NYShitty was one of the things that brought the Garden Spot to my attention. I was drawn by the unpretentious quirkiness that I saw in your pictures and now that I’ve been living here for a while, I don’t want to live anywhere else.
For the past few months I’ve been working on a project about our local treasure, Newtown Creek, that you’ve been running photos from. I’m a photographer professionally but have been bumming around the creek out of personal curiosity and it’s great to be able to have the work in progress seen by a local audience. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of the pictures already but I have a selection of works so far at my website.
Give Noah’s shots a look-see. They’re amazing!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Slide Show Du Jour: Queens Selections
Filed under: 11101, 11104, Corona, Corona Queens, Elmhurst, Elmhurst Queens, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens
As I mentioned previously today I took an afternoon sojourn in Queens. Truth be told, I was not in “in the zone”. Some days I am more photographically-inclined than others. But I did have my moments— such as the above image. It has a certain Edward Hopper quality I kind of like. What was even more interesting is what I stumbled upon— quite literally— immediately after taking said photo.
A motel fit for a queen— albeit one on a tight schedule. I told the Mister this is where I want to spend our fourth wedding anniversary. He quipped that he was nonplussed that they don’t charge by the quarter hour. So it goes. Without further ado here are some shots from today’s sojourn around Queens. Enjoy!
Miss Heather
P.S.: You can view this slide show in larger format (which I recommend) by clicking here.
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