Urban Fur: Cat/Dog

From First Avenue.

The Word On The Street, Part III: A Cooper Square PSA

February 3, 2012 ·
Filed under: 10009, East Village, East Village Manhattan, The Word On The Street 

Taken February 3, 2012.

New York Shitty Photo du Jour: Help Wanted

February 3, 2012 ·
Filed under: 10009, East Village, East Village Manhattan, The Word On The Street 

I found this very special opportunity today at St. Mark’s Bookstore in the East Village. Remember ladies: always get the money upfront!

New York Shitty Street Art du Jour: Third Avenue Truism

February 3, 2012 ·
Filed under: 10009, Class War, East Village, East Village Manhattan, Street Art 

Taken February 3, 2012.

The Word On The Street: An East Village PSA

Taken February 3, 2012.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Peace & Victory

February 2, 2012 ·
Filed under: 10009, East Village, East Village Manhattan, Street Art 

Peace. Victory.

Taken by Scoboco.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Reflection

Taken by Philip Kaltanzis-Cope.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Chico


Taken by Single Linds Reflex.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Shock & Awe

August 28, 2011 ·
Filed under: 10009, East Village, East Village Manhattan 

Cigar Afficionado Among Many Alarmed, Panicked by Unexpectedly Closed Astor Place Kmart

Alec Tabak (who took the above photo) writes:

Cigar Afficionado Among Many Alarmed, Panicked by Unexpectedly Closed Astor Place Kmart


New York Shitty Day Ender: From 14th Street With Love

August 26, 2011 ·
Filed under: 10009, East Village, East Village Manhattan 

Taken August 24, 2011.

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