From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Bushwhacked

January 19, 2013 by
Filed under: 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Urban Artifact 


A Halsey Street resident we’ll call “J” writes of the above bit of “freecycling”:

I found (this) in my apartment lobby where people leave stuff… I guess someone has the perfect vibrator/dildo and doesn’t need to search anymore!

Perhaps this individual hooked up with the party/parties responsible for this? I for one can only hope so. Since McCarren Park did not get an ice rink this year I suppose it would only make sense that north Brooklynites, being the rugged individualists we most assuredly are, would elect to take matters into our own hands. What better way is there to while away to a brisk winter day than engaging a little “indoor sports”? It is turning out to be quite a frisky day in the New York Shitty inbox!


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