Great Moments in Real Estate Advertising: Bushwick Avenue

August 11, 2011 by
Filed under: 11206, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Culture War 

What happens in your apartment… stays in your apartment

Not when one’s “indoor sports” are being advertised (illegally?) on Bushwick Avenue for all to savor! I cannot help but wonder what the residents of senior’s housing complex across the street think of this.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Great Moments in Real Estate Advertising: Bushwick Avenue

  1. rodmur on Thu, 11th Aug 2011 7:53 pm
  2. Yeah, that already raised eyebrows and chuckles with some a few kinky friends of mine.

  3. missheather on Thu, 11th Aug 2011 7:58 pm
  4. I take it these chuckles arose from the fact that whoever devised this campaign is a rank amateur?

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