Something Neat

July 3, 2010 by
Filed under: Brooklyn, Flatbush 

(Or, Does Anyone Have $26,500?)

This has nothing to do with north Brooklyn but quite frankly I think it is rather neat so here it is. The junk shop serves as a library of sorts for yours truly. This is especially true of old periodicals. I bring these home in bundles and read them before I go to bed. Last night in one such magazine (the July 1903 issue of  The Worlds Work) I found a real estate listing for one of my favorite houses down Victorian Flatbush way.

The Mister did some calculating and per 2009 dollars this house’s asking price comes out to $662,4666.56. Nowadays this will maybe buy you a modest house here in the Garden Spot— but back then this was a rather handsome sum. I wonder what it is worth today?

In any case 107 years later it is still looking good!

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Something Neat

  1. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Sat, 3rd Jul 2010 11:42 am
  2. The house was a folly. Alvord didn’t sell it for years, and then at a loss.

  3. missheather on Sat, 3rd Jul 2010 11:49 am
  4. It may have been a folly— but I adore it!

  5. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Sat, 3rd Jul 2010 3:50 pm
  6. Oh, it’s a beauty.

  7. missheather on Sat, 3rd Jul 2010 4:15 pm
  8. I’d like to move it brick by brick (so to speak) up here. There’s a nice lot on McGuinness Boulevard it would fit on. In exchange I will send you some of our finest aluminum sided housing!

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