Free Enterprise in Bedford Stuyvesant
Bedford Stuyvesant has a number of endearing qualities. Their prowess for destroying public pay phones and taste for challenging art are only two facets of this much misunderstood gem of a neighborhood. The fine folks of the Stuy also happen to be some of the most innovative free market capitalists I have ever encountered.
This gentleman graces the street in front of a CPR school on Marcus Garvey Boulevard. It really says something about the good nature of the people in Bed-Stuy that he has be left untouched. Had someone placed this dummy in Greenpoint I can assure you something would be inserted in his mouth. But I digress.
C.P.R. training is but only one of the many services offered at this mobile home megaplex. They also sport an ambulance service.
But I’m not too sure I want to give or receive C.P.R. from people who also fish monger. Unless of course they have an adjacent Listerine concession stand. And these clever folks just might! Bed-Stuy’s barons of business are wily enough to out-Trump the Trump. I see C.P.R./Ambulance/Fish and Chips franchises gracing this great nation from coast to coast… and soon!
Miss Heather