Noteworthy Linkage: Big Bad Sarah
Being as today’s offerings on New York Shitty are dedicated to Little Joe I felt it only proper to finish the day with some of his amazingly piquant and precocious observations. On October 16, 2008 Bed Stuy Banana wrote:
Last night Little Joe and I were eating dinner and he says, “Sarah is bad.” Now there is a little red-haired girl in his class who simply adores him, and her name happens to be Sarah. But he’s fickle as far as Sarah goes, some days he likes her and some days he doesn’t…
It gets even more interesting from there. Do give this post a read. It’ll give you a chuckle.
Miss Heather
One Comment on Noteworthy Linkage: Big Bad Sarah
bitchcakes on
Tue, 28th Oct 2008 1:33 pm
Another youth’s innocence shattered. That was a great story though.
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