Greenpoint Street Seating Du Jour: Street Potato

While walking around the neighborhood yesterday I happened upon this behemoth specimen. I call it the Green Street Street Spud (for obvious reasons).

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: An Ode To Ash

This evening while running errands I caught my favorite bodega cat, Ash, in a rather compromising position.

However, Ash is a good sport about these things provided she gets rubbins. She knows I am a trusty provider too. They always know.

As I was lavishing attention upon her, one girl appeared at the door. Naturally Ash, being not just a loss prevention expert but also the ambassador of this establishment, obliged her.

Then two girls appeared.

Then three.

Ash then proceeded to demonstrate her skillz on the nearby Wall of Beer. Much to her peril, as it proved.

Those two packs of beer at far right almost toppled over. I caught them. This sent her youngest admirer into pealing fits of laughter. I did not just save Ash’s dignity, but I probably saved an aficionado of Zywiec and Lomza from opening a can of beer and having it spray in his face. That shit is for DRINKING. Two counts of dignity, saved.

But enough about me. Or beer.

This post is for you, Ash. The joy you give patrons of this establishment, children foremost among them, even melts the cockles of my heart. I’m sure the parents of the aforementioned children would concur, despite the exasperation of having to collect their them from partaking of your charms (which happened tonight). Ash, you are a loved, cherished member of the community.

Just keep away from the Wall of Beer, okay?

Today On The Avenue: Praxis

September 14, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture 

For months this police barricade has laid in this tree pit. Not weeks, MONTHS. Also, it has not gone unnoticed by yours truly that a chef at a nearby restaurant has taken sitting (rather perilously) on this tree pit guard during breaks. Here we have a workable solution to two problems:

  • the NYPD not picking up after themselves
  • providing this fellow a better street seating option for his work breaks

Let’s see if it works!

This post goes out to two of the most ingenious fellows I have ever met.

You are an inspiration to me to this day. Cheers!

P.S.: I am not sure what “rainbow cookies” is about but it certainly sounds nice enough. Everyone loves cookies!

Greenpoint Street Find Du Jour

I have a saying, it goes as follows:

You take care of the community and the community will take care.

I have seen this demonstrated time and time again in the 11222. And today the Greenpoint Garbage Gods really delivered.

As I was running errands something caught the corner of my eye. I went in for a closer look.

Now this is interesting.
I have found a lot of interesting shit walking around north Brooklyn. Anal beads, pornography of every stripe imaginable; even a 4′ tall plastic statue of Simon the Chipmunk (which graces our dining room). This, however, is a first: a voodoo doll.

It should go without saying I brought him (?) home. Mister Heather, despite being a professed atheist, is unnerved by my new friend. I assured him as things go:

I tend to have good working relationships with things which may otherwise want to rip your face off.

I am not sure this provided the solace he needed. However he did reach a level of grudging acceptance when I read to him what this item does:

Your doll is a medium to focus on a problem or desire. You can personalize with hair, small photo or any small item…

As it would happen I do have a problem and it is my utmost desire that it GO AWAY. FOREVER. Best of all despite that party’s best efforts, I got photos too. Now if you all don’t mind it is time to get busy. Cheers!

Spotted On North 15th Street: The Hand

September 9, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11222, 11249, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 
Taken September 8th, 2019.

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Guernsey Street Shabby Chic

September 9, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture 

I encountered this specimen while walking home from Victoria Cambranes’s campaign kick off celebration. A fitting end to a lively day. Upon closer inspection I noticed noteworthy value-addeds in the form of:

A Freestyle compact disc
and a bottle of Visine.

Now that’s a party!

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Clock In

September 9, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11249, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 
Taken September 8, 2019

An Interesting Turn Of Events: Enter Dame

I received an interesting Tweet today. I’ll let the following speak for itself…

So there have you. Courtesy of my 94th Precinct Experience I have made a new friend: the CEO/co-founder of Dame Products! Who saw that one coming? Probably not the my arresting officers, for certain. But this is where we are. This tale just gets more and more interesting…

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Patterns

Despite the blustery weather there was a handsome turn-out at last night’s show at La Bodega. A nice array of work and folks! This show will be up until September 29th for any/all who are interested in checking it out. Once again:

In closing:

Taken September 5th, 2019

In light of the graffiti I found when dropping off my work La Bodega (as seen above), I felt an item I had commissioned would be best deployed there. This community is to which it can some shred of succor. An “outlet”, if you will.

An ICE/Border Patrol pinata! I can hardly wait to see what they do with it. Cheers!

The Word On The Street: A 5th Avenue PSA

Taken September, 5, 2019.

I happened to be in Greenwood Heights dropping off work for the following group show, which opens tomorrow. I found this too good (if that is the word for it) to pass up sharing. So here it is.

From what I could tell, this is shaping up to be a diverse, jam-packed show. La Bodega is run by great folks. Check them out here, on IG, or even better, in person.

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