Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy, The Word On The Street

Taken October 2, 2019.
The Word On The Street: What Time Is It?
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy, The Word On The Street

Bitch time 24/7/365: it’s how I roll…
(Taken October 2nd, 2019)
The Word On The Street: Cruelty
Filed under: 11215, Greenwood Heights, Greenwood Heights Brooklyn, The Word On The Street

Taken September 30, 2019.
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour & A Reminder…
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, NYPD
Lately I have been so busy with personal matters the fact that it is October now almost slipped by. Time also flies when one is not having fun. There is of course my recent interaction with the local constabulary over “graffiti”.* This has taken a lot of my time and energy. Thankfully that matter seems to be tabled for the time being. Regardless, the shit keeps on coming. To name a couple:
- someone trying to charge $3.44 (!) on my credit card (this has been resolved, still I am left wondering exactly what such a sum can actually buy nowadays)
- our oldest cat, Bodhi (AKA: “Booger”) requiring medical attention for an ear puffed up like a sopapilla. We had it treated once. His blood work, etc., is fine. He’s a tough old goat of a Greenpoint tabby. Still, it came back and tonight he had to go back in for another treatment. It went well. Paws crossed, this time it will “stick”.

Both of us being exhausted, I opted to take a car home. During that ride home I saw something interesting. Sort of a punctuation mark on the shit show which has been the last six weeks, give or take, for yours truly. This:

The author of this missive clearly has a grievance with the 94th Precinct. This is rather uncanny because tomorrow is the monthly Community Council meeting for same-said. And you all have my cat “Booger”— specifically his ear— to thank for all of this.
94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
7:00 PM
St. John’s Luther Church
155 Milton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
P.S.: If anyone is wondering where this sullen, spray-painted utterance of revolt is located, here you go.

Could be an interesting topic to bring up tomorrow.
Or not.
*This evening I organized my papers regarding my 94th Precinct Experience. I found this piece of paper, provided by the Lieutenant who detained me, to my spouse so he could write down their names/badge numbers (on the back). Here’s the front:

Tonight we both learned what “cooping” is. You can too courtesy of the New York Times. The more you know!
New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Sackett Street

As a general rule, I eschew “street penises”. This is because there are simply too damned many of them. This happy, upstanding fellow, who I have named “Scroto Baggins”, is a rare exception. Enjoy!
Urban Artifact: Hoyt Street
Filed under: 11217, Brooklyn, Gowanus, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy, Urban Artifact

That feeling when you see hair the same color as your own, a whole head of it no less, dangling from a tree. Prodigal/feral hair in all its manifold varieties has long been and will continue be a source of amusement to yours truly. It’s how I roll.
New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Hoyt at Baltic Street

Today I had to pick up my work from La Bodega Gallery and opted to make a walk/afternoon of it. I took the G to Bergen Street and walked down to Greenwood Heights. It was at Hoyt and Baltic Street that I beheld this.

As you can see, this lamppost has really tied one on. Some next level engineering, this shit. What you cannot see: an electrical cable straddling Baltic: dangling so tantalizing low it grazed a number of passing trucks, buses and the like. That’s something fun waiting to happen.

Here’s a shot with an upright building as a point of reference. Go home lamppost, you’re drunk.
The Word On The Street: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, The Word On The Street

Or not.
(Taken September 28, 2019.)
Spotted On Nassau Avenue: Graffiti…
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, NYPD, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad

The things one finds when walking around this community. I went to the McGolrick Farmers Market to buy ingredient for calabacitas. When walking home I saw this. Once again let us reference what constitutes graffiti:
S 145.60 Making graffiti. 1. For purposes of this section, the term "graffiti" shall mean the etching, painting, covering, drawing upon or otherwise placing of a mark upon public or private property with intent to damage such property. 2. No person shall make graffiti of any type on any building, public or private, or any other property real or personal owned by any person, firm or corporation or any public agency or instrumentality, without the express permission of the owner or operator of said property.
I think it is safe to say we have hate speech here too, but I will let the authorities make that call. To this end I have created this handy map.

On it I have indicated the location as 144 Nassau Avenue. I did so because while technically on the premises of 146, specifically the burglar gate, the graffiti in question is located directly by the front door of 144.

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