New York Shitty Day Ender: Happy Birthday Rachael!

December 8, 2009 by
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms 

There are friends and then there are friends. My buddy Rach falls under the latter category. Not only did she accompany me to housing court on more occasions than I care to recount (and applauded me after tearing my landlord’s paralegal new one) but she brought along her camera and documented one of the more amusing items from our sojourns to downtown Brooklyn.


It takes a very special person to understand why this is worthwhile. It takes an even more special person to intuit that a can of spray adhesive, clothespins shaped like feet, a can of compressed air and bottle of bourbon do, at Chez Shitty anyway, constitute the perfect Christmas present!

This post is for you, Rachael. There’s no one else like you in the world and for this reason I love you. We need more people like you!

Miss Heather


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