From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Neighbor Of 373 Graham Avenue Speaks

A person we’ll call “K” writes:

Hi Heather,

I wrote you a couple of months ago about scumbag Joe at 373 Graham Ave. I was wondering if you know how I would get in touch with the person who runs the 373 Scam Ave Tumblr. My wife and I live basically across the street from that asshole and would like to start giving regular updates to whoever runs that blog (happy to send them to you if you’d rather, but since you cover a lot more than just that guy’s house I thought it more appropriate for that blog).

For instance, there’s been a woman showing up with a dog occasionally to scream at him in the street early in the morning, I walked by the other day and heard him say “if I hit you, you’ll know it” to someone inside the house (maybe the same woman?), and on Sunday night he was playing loud-ass classic rock radio all through the night (I was regrettably too tired to get up and call in a noise complaint and just silently cursed him from my bed).

Bottom line is that man is making this whole neighborhood miserable, and my wife and I would like to contribute anything we can to the cause of exposing his despicable behavior.

Feel free to forward my email on to the author of that blog, or let me know if you’d like us to just keep sending you updates.

To answer your questions, K (not in any particular order):

  • Reader contributions are always welcome, so if you have anything to share by all means kick ’em over!
  • I do not know the person who operates 373 Scam Ave, however his/her email address is as follows:
  • As for what you and yours have been experiencing: you are not alone!

I know a great many people who are tired of the rowdy and occasionally downright scary activities at this establishment. However, none seem to have taken this up with the proper authorities. This needs to change. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. The next time the merrymaking at 373 Graham Avenue keeps you up all night call 311 and complain!
  2. Record the complaint number and…
  3. Send a general outline of your complaint and complaint number to our local Community Board:
  4. Here’s why: although the Community Board is provided data about 311 complaints no specifics are given. Thus they will have no idea if 1 or 50 complaints have been lodged about noise/disorderly activity at 373 Graham Avenue unless you keep them in the loop!
  5. Go to “the meetings”: the 94th Precinct Community Council* and Public Safety Committee (of Community Board 1, which handles criminal matters and inexplicably sidewalk cafe permits— hey, I didn’t make the rules!) respectively.
  6. Unfortunately, neither the 94th Precinct nor Community Board 1 conduct meetings in July or August. HOWEVER…
  7. The Public Safety Committee’s last meeting before summer break is next week!

Public Safety Committee Meeting, Community Board 1
June 27, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m. (NOTE: you must sign up to speak)
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

In closing, I would like to note that representatives of both the 94th and 90th Precincts attend Public Safety Committee meetings so they are an excellent way to take up any matters/concerns with the police directly. Be there!

*Here’s the calendar for the 94th Precinct Community Council meetings for the remainder of the year for those who may be curious.



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