LAST GASP: We Did It!!!

January 5, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Okay, he isn’t out yet— but I have gotten word from a few ladies in the know that tonight or tomorrow Pablo Airaldi will be free! More details/commentary to follow. Quite frankly right now I am too excited/weepy to collect my thoughts! As I understand it (and this is using laywoman’s terms: I am a Notary Public, NOT a lawyer), Pablo’s plea of “no contest”/”guilty” in Indiana was overturned. No crime = no reason for deportation. This has been brought to the attention of the Immigration court judge presiding over his case, Justice Abrams, and he has signed papers for Pablo’s release!

UPDATE, January 6, 2011: I have word that Pablo is back home at the Chicken Hut. Which of course, is where he should be!

In closing I would like to give BIG props to the men and women who rallied to Pablo’s defense (you know who you are). Your tenacity and dedication is proof positive that people can and do make a difference. I am proud to call each and every one of you neighbors!

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Pablo Airaldi In The Village Voice!

January 4, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Yes, dear readers, The Village Voice has published the long-awaited feature* about Pablo Airaldi! Do give it a read and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone his hearing is this upcoming January 6th at 9:00 a.m. Be there!

201 Varick Street, Room 1140
New York, New York 10014

UPDATE, January 5, 2011: I have gotten word as of tonight or tomorrow Pablo will be free!!! More details and a confirmation (hopefully) to follow!

Miss Heather

*One of my favorite passages/teaser:

…Ziiggie explains recently at Manhattan Avenue’s Acapulco restaurant, over French fries and a pint of blackberry-flavored brandy he had smuggled in his coat. “If he had tits, I’d fuck him.”

Now who can argue with that?

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Live From 201 Varick Street

November 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 10014, Culture War, Manhattan, New York City 

When I arrived at Immigration Court this morning there was quite the Garden Spot presence in effect. Kathleen and Christina, two of the lovely ladies spearheading Pablo Airaldi’s cause, were present. As were many other Greenpoint notables including (but not limited to) the inimitable Ziiggy (as seen above in the black leather jacket)…

…and his guitar! In fact, the turn-out was such that only a handful of individuals were allowed into the court room. The judge presiding over Pablo’s case opined (while thumbing a rather thick stack of letters advocating that Mr. Airaldi be allowed to stay in our fair community/country) that he was happy that everyone who sent in letters did not show up. If I had to hazard to guess:

  • He was impressed!
  • 201 Varick Street, Room 1140 was probably host to more tattoos and piercings this morning than the previous 364 mornings combined!

As I was waiting outside with Juliet Linderman (and talking Garden Spot shop) a late-comer arrived. He stated that instead of possibly encountering trouble with security he buried his tools in the planter out front. Guess what?

He wasn’t kidding.

Otherwise Pablo’s case has been adjourned until January 6, 20101. Until next year!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special props go out to the men working security who let Ziiggy bring in his guitar! Too bad he didn’t play it for our/the court-goers edification.

P.S. #2: This post goes out to my buddy Mieszko at Beata Delicatessen who not only serves up a good cup of coffee before damned near anyone else in this ‘nabe, but commented to yours truly (after I requested a large cup of black coffee):

Thanksgiving can be kind of hard.

To wit I replied:

That’s not the problem. I am headed to a deportation hearing.

Mieszko (wide-eyed): For you?
Me: Unfortunately I was born in Waco, Texas. They cannot get rid of my kind so easily. No worries, I am certain they are working on it.

He found this quite amusing.

Happy Thanksgiving From New York Shitty!

November 25, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As you can imagine today’s selections will be most decidedly lite. However, I would like to bring it to everyone’s attention that Pablo Airaldi and a number of his fellow inmates at the Hudson County Detention Center have gone on hunger strike. You can follow how he is doing (and get the date and location for his upcoming hearing) via this web site.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Van Gogh’s Radio On The Move?

November 7, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of Kathleen bartendress extraordinaire and the head honcha of Pablo Airaldi’s upcoming benefit concert. She writes:

We’re actually going to be moving the bar. Looks like we’ll be out of our current spot by the end of the month. The new space is still in the hood… It sucks though. It’ll probably take 3-4 months for the build out and for the liquor license to get transferred. I’ll have to find a new job in the meantime. Def want to go back there when the new spot is open though. Tony (the owner) has been a really good friend of mine for many years. It kicks ass to be able to make money for someone you care about rather than some random person or company.

I’d like to work in Greenpoint in the interim but insofar as I know none of the bars are hiring. Might talk to Jimmy (Shayz) and his dad about doing fill in shifts there as they’re friends of mine. We’ll see…I know something will work out.

If anyone reading this tome knows of a watering hole where Kathleen can do what she does best please contact her via email at: khennerty (at) gmail (dot)com

After all, a Greenpoint gal has to eat!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Kathleen visited Pablo yesterday. Here’ her update:

So Becky and I visited Pablo yesterday. He was having a pretty crappy day. Depressed. Doing his best to keep his spirits up, though. I was able to stay strong and not cry until after leaving. He’s in a really shitty place right now (new jersey is bad enough but he has to spend it in the damn jail at that!). He really really appreciates you posting the letter. Said he put a lot of work into it and wants it to be circulated as much as possible. I’m going to print out copies today to hand out. I joked with P yesterday that he’s become my day job 🙂 Work for Pablo(‘s case) during the day and work at the bar at night

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Letter Campaign & Benefit

November 5, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention by the event’s organizer: a lady named Kathleen. She writes:


Just saw your post on Pablo. Thank you for posting that 🙂
A buddy and I are throwing a benefit for our friend two weeks from today.

Pablo Airaldi Benefit Show
November 19, 2010 starting at 9:00 p.m.
Price of admission (all proceeds of which will be donated to Mr. Airaldi’s legal defense fund): $10.00
The Production Lounge
113 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

You can get the full rundown at this event’s page on Facebook.

Otherwise I have received a brief update from Christina. She writes:

I just spoke to him.  Basically he has a lawyer in Indiana trying to turn over his plea from 2001 for this exact reason but it a conservative state and there is no guarantee how this will go down.  He informed me that his next hearing is on November 29th at Varick St.  He asked me to get together the petitions and letters to the defense of his character prior to that date.  When you can, maybe we can ask people who are acquainted with him, are fans of Greenpoint Bikes, or are sympathetic to his case to write letters stating who they are and why he should remain in this country.  They can leave them with me or at the bike shop.  On the 29th anyone who wants to come down to Varick St. and show their support for his case is urged to join us at 9 am.  I am sure there will be more details before then but for now that’s all I know.

To be continued…

UPDATE, 6:50 p.m.: You can follow Mr. Airaldi’s story (and his upcoming hearing) via this newly erected Facebook page.*

Miss Heather

*Thanks Kathleen!

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