New York Shitty Slide Show du Jour: Be It Ever So Humble…

Ever since the Mister and I learned why there are eight campers gracing the Garden Spot’s waterfront we have not been able to get it out of our collective minds. Finally we capitulated this afternoon and paid this ad hoc trailer park a visit. Good news: the number of campers is holding steady at eight. Bad news: one shows sign of, um, habitation. Enjoy!

Miss Heather


12 Comments on New York Shitty Slide Show du Jour: Be It Ever So Humble…

  1. gpderivatorium on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 4:13 pm
  2. A few of those are real classics, a little refurb and they would go for a lot of money. I wonder where they found them.

    Anyone know if any of them are for sale?… maybe up for grabs??

  3. missheather on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 4:15 pm
  4. They were removed from a lot in East Williamsburg and placed here:

  5. gpderivatorium on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 4:18 pm
  6. I mean where did the E. Williamsburg guys find them. They’re pretty vintage.. hard to find.

  7. missheather on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 4:22 pm
  8. AH! Well, a group of twenty-something artsy types were ousted off of a lot near Meserole Street where they were living in them. Exactly where they acquired them, I have no idea.

  9. missheather on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 4:27 pm
  10. Oh yeah, I have the contact info for the reporter who broke this story. If you want, I can forward your email address to him and he can put you in touch with the proper owners of these trailers. Maybe one or two of them would be willing to sell them to you!

  11. SpillConspirator on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 5:08 pm
  12. I feel sorry for these kids. They basically became homeless without notice. The comments on the Brooklyn Paper site, pissed me off. My first reaction to this was, Oh My God, we’ve got more homelessness in the neighborhood! Where are these kids going to go to the bathroom, shower…

  13. missheather on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 6:35 pm
  14. Speaking for myself I have no idea why someone would want to live like this. I also cannot help but wonder how these individuals showered, disposed of their waste (from the toilets), other possible public safety issues, etc. This having been written, one commenter on the BP hit the nail on the head:

    The bottom line is that the NYPD shouldn’t be assisting in eviction, that is something that should be going to housing court.
    If the land belongs to Kings, as they claimed, why did they let the trailers in there in the first place.
    Additionally, why did they deliver building supplies to the trailer park residents so they could fix up the lot.

    The trailer park was there for over a year, with the full knowledge of the people who came in and destroyed their property. If they claim the property is now theirs, their is a legal procedure for evicting someone.

    This procedure was not followed and if someone evicts someone illegally, it is a criminal offense.

    Now a handful of these trailers are gracing a block on our waterfront which has long been a haven for our community’s homeless. One has already been broken into. No doubt others will be if they are allowed to remain there. I understand that Aramsco has the right to do with their property what they wish but by allowing these campers to stay there everyone loses: we have a(nother) public nuisance to contend with and the rightful owners of these domiciles will in all likelihood find their property further damaged/vandalized. These put be put somewhere under lock and key for EVERYONE’S sake.

  15. eagle_teater on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 8:12 pm
  16. Aramsco does not have a right to do whatever they want with their property. Just like I can’t start running an industrial widget manufacturing plant out of my apartment, they can’t run a trailer park on their property. My apartment is not zoned industrial and their block is not zoned residential. As far as storage..yeah. Habitation, not so much I would imagine.

  17. missheather on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 10:54 pm
  18. Yes, but is this strip of India “de-mapped”? For example: the owner of the Greenpoint Terminal, Josh Guttman, claims Noble Street is— but it isn’t. Still, we have no access to that street. In other words, I’m saying what is and is not public property hereabouts seems to be sporadically enforced. In other words: when it suits an elected official’s caprice for a photo op.

  19. gpderivatorium on Thu, 31st Mar 2011 11:57 pm
  20. looks like the times did a story on it last week:

    there’s a lot of conflicting details vs. the brooklyn paper article.. I still have some unanswered questions.

    but re: greepoint, I’m not sure that these trailers being on india st. is really a slippery slope to rampant crime and vagrancy throughout north brooklyn. looks like these trailers were kicked out of bushwick for being in absolutely nobody’s way, and i guess that’s how we’re going to treat them in greenpoint too. india st. is public, the only affected residents (aramsco) appear to have OK’d their presence.. and there is no indication at all that these guys are doing anything but storing their empty trailers on a side-street while they try to get their stuff sorted.

    Am i missing something? Is the whole argument just: its ugly and i don’t want it in my greenpoint?

  21. no no on Fri, 1st Apr 2011 12:32 am
  22. Nobody is running a trailer park. The trailers are parked there until buyers or “babysitters” are found for the trailers. Many people are homeless because of their illegal eviction from the Bushwick Trailer Park. This is a temporary “parking only” site until they are moved. Unfortunately, some “public inebriates” are utilizing them tonight and perhaps tomorrow to get out of the rain. Before you go get torches and gasoline, maybe have a little compassion for the people left homeless because of the situation. Maybe come up with a suggestion for how to house these young people, and/or suggest a lot for them or potential buyers for this apparently incomprehensible mode of living, The Tailer Park. Welcome to America. Did you forget?

  23. eagle_teater on Fri, 1st Apr 2011 10:42 am
  24. Welcome to America, where people are allowed to hold and express their own opinions. Did you forget?

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