The Astral Gets Its Wings…

March 2, 2009 by
Filed under: Astoria, Greenpoint Magic, Queens 

(AKA: Behind The Beige Door)


Lost among the recent drama in Greenpoint is something that has been nagging at me for some time. Specifically: is the perv-a-licious Super of the Astral (“Tommy”) still using the premises for boudoir photography? The answer is yes. Per a tipster, March 1, 2009:

Yesterday afternoon (February 28, 2009),  i saw Tommy crossing the Astral courtyard with a petite, dark-haired girl, both are carrying chunky silver suitcases or whatever you call them (big, square, silvery-metal things with handles). she’s in sweats but hair and makeup are done.

three or four hours later. i’m going down the entrance steps with the garbage. Tommy and the model come out from the basement apartment, ahead of me. still got the silver suitcases and Tommy is carrying a flat cardboard box with the angel wings peeking out. i say hello because no point in pretending we don’t see each other. Tommy can’t look me in the face, as usual, but the model politely holds the Astral’s front door open for me because of the giant bag of garbage. Nice! (Naturally, I said thank you to her)

the following link also enhances the story. note that his last log-in is today. and the girl in his profile photo is the very one i saw yesterday.

Aaaaand if you click on the view photos link on Tommy’s Model Mayhem page, you’ll see another girl with the same wings and another photo of the model i saw yesterday in chains and lingerie and sitting ON THE FLOOR OF THE ASTRAL HALLWAY!


this has to be what is behind that basement door in my part of the Astral. and i really, really hope she was able to take a hot shower with disinfectant soap after that was taken. i would not sit on that floor wearing jeans, much less in my dainties!

The above photograph— which I have cribbed and give full credit to Glamour Images Studio— was taken by the Astral’s Super: Tommy. The location is a stairwell of the apartment building under his supervision: The Astral. To this I can attest. I wonder what his employer Pistilli Realty would think about this?

Miss Heather

P.S.: Nice logo, Tommy. Glad to see you’re making productive use of this building— which is landmarked.


4 Comments on The Astral Gets Its Wings…

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Mon, 2nd Mar 2009 11:00 am
  2. Wow, the bedbug building from hell has sleazy photoshoots in their musty basement apartment. It’s all kind of gross and nasty to think about, but there isn’t really anything “wrong” going on in there, right?

  3. missheather on Mon, 2nd Mar 2009 11:52 am
  4. Given how poorly this building is maintained I would humbly suggest that Tommy do his job. This is being a Super— not Greenpoint’s answer to Larry Flynt. 😉

  5. rowan on Mon, 2nd Mar 2009 4:08 pm
  6. personally, i don’t care what Tommy takes photos of, as long as the following take place:
    1) Consenting adults. 2) Reasonably prompt responses to tenant issues, be it plumbing problems, leaky radiators, pest control, etc. Take all the lingerie shots you want, just try to be more reliable when the tenants need you.

  7. missheather on Mon, 2nd Mar 2009 4:33 pm
  8. I agree, rowan. What this man is doing isn’t so much the issue. It’s all about the context. If Tommy actually did his job (as a Super) effectively and kept his moonlighting on the down low (READ: not conducting shoots in the public areas of the building) I suspect no one would care. BUT— he isn’t discharging his responsibilities and he is conducting shoots in the public areas of this building. This shows a woeful lack of respect for the tenants he has been hired to serve.

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