Good Times At 95 Clay Street

March 7, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I do not know how many of you, dear readers, bother to read the Greenpoint Courier. I would hazard to guess very few of you do. This is understandable given much of its rabidly right wing content. You should not, however, throw the baby out the with bath water. There is one reporter under their employ who has been doing some fantastic work; his name is Matt Wolfe and follows is a story from this week’s edition about 95 Clay Street. This tale of slumlordery has a little something for everybody: no Superintendent, holes in ceilings, water in the basements, hallways filled with clutter… and a brand new apartment building being built behind it without any permits whatsoever. Enjoy!

3/7/2008 Greenpoint Courier

I can hardly wait to see who is going to want to rent an apartment whose only means of egress is through another building’s basement. I am no expert, but wouldn’t this be a violation of fire code or something?

Miss Heather


One Comment on Good Times At 95 Clay Street

  1. rowan on Fri, 7th Mar 2008 3:21 pm
  2. you might be interested to know that this building, around the same time last year, had apartment listings on CL. the listing boasted back-yard/courtyard access, very cheap rent ($1000/mo) and the usual Greenpoint amenities. funny thing is, nobody ever responded to any of my inquiries about the place. once i even had the purported broker on the phone and the excuse was: “i don’t have my listing information with me….”. it was runaround central and usually brokers are dying to show you a place. now this comes to light and i’m wondering if the two are connected. granted, given what the article says, i’m very glad i didn’t move in!

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