Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Relative Insanity

October 22, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

It would appear that one of my fellow Greenpointers does not entirely grasp the concept of mass transit— or they thought HSBC had a drive-thru. (insert crass Polish joke here)

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Relative Insanity

  1. bitchcakes on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 10:15 pm
  2. Yikes!!! Was anyone hurt? I can’t count how many times I’ve been right there (I’m sure most of us reading this have been). That’s really scary to see.

  3. missheather on Thu, 23rd Oct 2008 10:40 am
  4. As far as I can tell everything and everyone were (inasmuch as that can be said) OKAY. Whoever was driving this motor vehicle was wearing a seat belt. How the hell they managed to pull this off, I’d really love to know. Dodging a pedestrian perhaps? That’s seems most likely.

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