What Part Of Greenpoint Do You Live In?

July 23, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

My buddy Matt Wolfe (formerly of the Greenpoint Courier) tipped me off to this great map over at Very Small Array. It looks like I call “North Vinyl Siding” home —although I prefer Vinyl Siding HEIGHTS, thank you very much! Any of you who have a little time to burn today do check out this web site. It is teeming with lots of fun and informative stuff!

Miss Heather


5 Comments on What Part Of Greenpoint Do You Live In?

  1. d on Wed, 23rd Jul 2008 7:28 pm
  2. That’s pretty cool. I’m in the historical district.

  3. FutureMan on Wed, 23rd Jul 2008 11:10 pm
  4. McCarren in the house.

  5. superclam on Thu, 24th Jul 2008 1:50 pm
  6. This is funny. I’m on the edge of the central business district, just before North Vinyl Siding. A Greenpoint architectural classic I’ve noticed: crappy house with a beautiful, shiny, out of place railing in the front “yard” often set on new granite copings.

  7. bitchcakes on Thu, 24th Jul 2008 3:18 pm
  8. South Vinyl Siding representing!

  9. janimpala on Sun, 17th Jan 2010 8:11 pm
  10. According to the map, we moved to “Polish Business District”. Our realtor led us to believe we live in “East Vinyl Siding”, one block west/south of “Humboldt St. Flooded Basement Valley”. Did we get taken? LOL. At least the nabe doesn’t smell of burning stolen car on the waterfront like N.9th used to every summer weekend in the early 90’s.

    We do love being so close to Winthrop Park,, er I mean McGorlick Park. It’s a prize, and one of the cool things about living over here.

    Architectural note: Every house we looked at in G’point had all the woodwork, that hadn’t been ripped out and replaced with Pergament $0.39/ linear foot plain molding, was painted that rotten pumpkin brownish orange color. And beige walls. You’ll see. Its in EVERY house.

    Bit O History. McCarren Park was built on a filled in inlet (Bushwick Inlet) and swampland that used to go all the way in to about Little Dog Run and in some places all the way to Bayard.

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