Some Advice For The Workers At 110 Green Street

June 11, 2008 by
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 

I would like to humbly suggest that you refrain from making kissing and hissing noises at female passersby (as two of your colleagues saw fit to do today). Saying “Hey Baby” and (after being ignored by said female) pushing the matter by continuing to verbally harass said woman will (as two of you learned today) not only net you being called an “asshole” in return, but the object of your misguided affection might have a camera…

and happen to be a blogger.

Oh yeah, and if you and yours make any more lewd comments to my upstairs neighbor’s teenage daughter her mother is calling the police.


Miss Heather


9 Comments on Some Advice For The Workers At 110 Green Street

  1. bestviewinbrooklyn on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 4:16 pm
  2. Excellent work, Miss Heather. To me, making kissing/hissing sounds is excusable as ignorant. But to continue and escalate one’s advances after your target shows apathy or annoyance or disgust deserves some public humiliation. And to share comments with a youngster is truly despicable. Tell us the company and we can all make phone calls to their office.

  3. missheather on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 4:24 pm
  4. I’d recommend putting complaints in writing and sending them c/o the Viridian’s brand-spanking new sales office: 110 Green Street Brooklyn, NY 11222.

  5. electricgreek on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 4:34 pm
  6. Better yet call INS

  7. Erock on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 5:02 pm
  8. Saw this site on

    A chance for the ladies to fight back I suppose.

  9. missheather on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 5:06 pm
  10. This matter has already been brought to their attention. Thanks!

  11. grkguy on Tue, 24th Jun 2008 11:02 pm
  12. Let me start by saying I’m a 25 yr old professional, Greek guy from Astoria.

    Congratulations to this and other blogger movements posting mens photos and stories on what really goes on in New York City concerning “hollering” at women.

    But, I would like to state, although women would love to disagree with me, have a tendency to provoke this “hollering”. (Now please don’t go crazy and start asking wordpress to block me!)

    The reason I say this is because, most women that do get hollered tend to where tight pants, shirts with lots of cleavage showing, high heels and what not. And like this blog mentions, the guy above and others were making lewd comments at a 16 yr. old. Now honestly, prob. these men have kids, sons or daughters, isn’t it possible this 16 yr old doesn’t pass for 16, and rather a girl of 22? Its been common these days for a man to “hook up” with under aged girls due to the fact the girl lies about her age or simply looks old enough. Men should ask for i.d. before they do anything? Come on! (Keep reading, I’m not done!)

    Men are dogs, hell I’m a dog when I see that. It’s in our nature to go crazy over women. We love women, their curves, their smell, their everything! Unfortunately like dogs, we don’t know when to shut up or to stop until someone pulls our leash! But why hurt peoples reputations on the internet? Come on?! Curse the guy out or something! What would happen if guys started posting pictures of drunk women from night clubs doing crazy things! And trust me, I’ve seen alot all over the city. From peeing on the street to showing their breasts to having “dry sex” on the “stoops”. Guys should post that on blogs also right? I don’t think women alike would like that very much! Do you? (Read on, please)

    I totally disagree with men touching women on trains, playing with themselves and watching women in public and all that craziness that does tend to happen. These guys are too sick! They do deserve to be locked up! But please, is “hollering” that bad? Walk away or something! Anyway I said enough, and you all probably hate me now, but I think there is always to side to every story or movement of some kind. Don’t hate me because I have an opinion, hate me if I was the guy showing my penis! I would hate me too if that were the case.


  13. lisa on Wed, 25th Jun 2008 3:14 pm
  14. -grkguy

    you are soooooooooooo misguided. I wear a headscarf plus conservative clothing because I am MUSLIM, and get the same exact treatment as mentioned in the post above. Have you seen a traditional MUSLIM woman dressed? The issue is much deeper than you suspect.

    perhaps if you are objectified every day of your life and know you cannot walk down the street without expecting someone to harass you, perhaps you would understand. pretend you are a straight male, and from age 12 on, a gay male, shoved his face into yours, hissed at you, did all these actions to let you know he wanted to stick it in your anus. Yeah, like you said, its all just words. That is, until it happens to you.

  15. sigodlinyc on Fri, 27th Jun 2008 3:20 pm
  16. I am a union carpenter and I can assure you I am disgusted by the behavior of the men you describe. Our union has paid a lot of money to dissuade our people from harrassing women and others. Sexual harassment prevention is a REQUIRED course in in the New York District Council of Carpenters four-year apprenticeship program, and you cannot graduate without taking it. I don’t know what the policy is for other building trade unions, electricians, plumbers, and so forth, but as more and more women are being admitted to these unions, they’re finding less tolerance for harassment, so many of them have taken on the responsibility of anti-harassment education. Knowing this, I find it is especially upsetting that some of my fellow union carpenters might still be harassing people on the street.

    Some of the jobsites referred to on this site are likely non-union and not subject to the same training requirements, but that doesn’t make harassment any more acceptable. In addition to taking photograph, tell these men you will call their employer AND FOLLOW UP ON IT. The employer should be smart enough to take action to prevent it from happening again.

    And, if it is a UNION job site (ask the site contractor, they should tell you) make sure to report the incident to the unions involved, too. Write down details, time, date, address, and so forth, as a little documentation goes a long way.

    The carpenters union has a disciplinary process for this type of behavior, and our people are well aware they can be kicked out if they persist in acting stupidly. (Can you say, “Goodbye, decent wage, health benefits, and pension”?) After you snap that photo and post the incident here, call the general contractor of the job site, whose phone number should be prominently posted on the outside of the construction site.

    Good luck with your continuing work in harassment prevention, and I hope this information is useful.

  17. missheather on Fri, 27th Jun 2008 3:30 pm
  18. Great advice asigodlinyc and you bring up a good point: the sites where this kind of bullshit is tolerated are generally NOT union. I have noticed this on more than one occasion.

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