Quick Link: Immaculate Destruction At St. Saviour’s?

November 2, 2009 by
Filed under: Queens 

From Queens Crap:

These were taken about 10am this morning at the St. Saviour’s site. There was a partial stop work order in effect which stated that there could be no excavation within 20 feet of the damaged retaining wall and that they were to repair the shoddy construction fence. So they were replacing the fence manually while excavating the wall with heavy equipment without any protection whatsoever for the public. I can’t really describe in words what was going on there – you have to watch these videos to understand. But the arm of the backhoe was swinging out over the sidewalk and they were driving it on top of an unstable mound of dirt. Both 311 and 911 were called but no one came.

You can (and should) read the whole story (including a hilariously Kafkaesque response from the Department of Buildings) by clicking here.

Miss Heather


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