New York Shitty Day Ender: “Luxury”

July 21, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Franklin Street to Green and from Green to Manhattan (Avenue) the chaps at 110 Green Street (AKA: The Viridian) are shilling their luxury apartments. With predictable results.




Yes, this is the “luxury” $2,150+ a month for a one bedroom will buy you!


Just look at this craftsmanship!


As you can see, someone is even camping out so as to get in on the “ground floor” on this great “opportunity”!



Miss Heather


5 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: “Luxury”

  1. lylet on Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 12:20 pm
  2. I think “luxury” in our lovely borough has become a new synonym for “overpriced”…

  3. d on Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 8:56 pm
  4. A 1 bedroom there should be $1600 TOPS in this economy and with that shoddy workmanship. I bet this will be one of those shady “B&B”s soon too, eh? UGH. When I was helping my friend apartment hunt we saw plenty of gorgeous and newly renovated 1 bedrooms for $1600 and less in Greenpoint in smaller, older (and much cuter) buildings.

  5. greenjeans on Fri, 31st Jul 2009 9:55 am
  6. A woman on the Brian Leher show just complained that she has “moved into a condo-to-rental building in Greenpoint that is still under construction… she just found out it does not have a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY!!! And that there is no hot water and in many apartments there are no appliances!”

    Want to guess which it is? I guess I’m gossiping now, but I have a hunch.

  7. missheather on Fri, 31st Jul 2009 2:52 pm
  8. Hmm, Greenjeans. I wonder… 😉

    […] where I can’t wait for the next dose of venom she will lay down whenever she writes about a building she obviously wishes would get swallowed up by Newton […]

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