Fun With Bloomblight

Earlier today my good friend Crappy forwarded me this story from NY1 about how over-development has left many buildings in Brooklyn vacant and/or half-finished. As if this was not depressing enough this tome goes on to say that despite this glut of over-priced King’s crap, the building continues. It is projected 5,200 more luxury apartments will find their way onto the market in 2010. Clearly the cardinal rule of how to get out of a hole (stop digging) has been lost on these people.

But developer-induced blight need not be such a downer. Just take what someone anonymous person(s) has done at the vacant lot at 689 Leonard Street, for example.


Yes sir, with a little imagination (construction detritus and some wildflower seeds) you can put the “bloom” back in “bloomblight”!


And why not throw in a little ornamental brick stacking while you’re at it? It’s not like they’re going anywhere anytime soon.


I do not know what this yellow flower (located at far left) is, but I really like it.


Behold, Greenpoint’s newest high rise! I wonder if it’s a Karl Fischer?

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Fun With Bloomblight

  1. d on Sun, 19th Jul 2009 9:51 pm
  2. I took photos of those a few weeks ago too. I thought of an urban Stonehenge. đŸ™‚

  3. Rebecca11222 on Sun, 19th Jul 2009 10:02 pm
  4. the Leonard Street Stonehenge always makes me happy

  5. allrockkitty on Mon, 20th Jul 2009 9:16 pm
  6. Hey,

    Its the yuppie mom that’s gentrifying the neighborhood again…Someone passed this link on to me…our neighbor did the work on this lot. My husband helped by passing him stuff over the fence…yeah, I know not so much work, but y’know it probably does make up for the microscooter flyer.

    Anyway, the deal with this dead spot is that the builders of the Belvedere I (which yes, I live in, yes I know you make fun of, and yes, we had no idea there would be 68 or so of them as I said it was number one) overbuilt into the back of the associated market. So instead of getting involved into a legal dispute that could last years, they gave the land to the associated. That was back in 2004, so I’m not sure that associated are planning to do anything there.

    But right after the pumpkin patches were planted recently (hopefully to arrive this fall) they had some guys in there measuring the soil or doing something…I guess some people would say that is a good sign that something will rise here. But honestly, we have all been harboring fantasies that we will have a little garden for the neighborhood instead.

  7. missheather on Mon, 20th Jul 2009 9:25 pm
  8. Thanks for sharing the 411! And yes, I would like to see a neighborhood garden here (and a number of other vacant/derelict lots) as well!

    I really like the rock/brick piles.

    Oh yeah— I wouldn’t eat anything grown in the soil here. But if those pumpkins are for carving you should be a-OK.

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