Puppies, Anyone?

October 3, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

I rarely, if ever, post more than four items a day. Today I am going to make an exception and overcome my innate laziness for these furry friends.

Puppies in Prison

Per Rebecca11222, a frequent New York Shitty contributor and commenter, these very cute lab mix puppies were found under a highway overpass. That’s all I know. Anyone interested in giving any of these guys (or gals) a home should email Rebecca at:

Rebecca11222 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Miss Heather

10/05/07: It has been brought to my attention that these dogs are no longer for adoption. Please see the comment left by Mr. Belvedere to learn more.


5 Comments on Puppies, Anyone?

  1. Rebecca11222 on Thu, 4th Oct 2007 3:37 pm
  2. Thank you. 2 people have contacted me, and I have given them the foster mom’s contact info.

    I will never forget the summer when I heard what sounded like a bird screaming in McCarren Park (along the trees by the corner of N12th & Driggs). It was a 3-month-old puppy with 2 broken legs. Police came, wrapped it in a towel & took it away. If someone could do that to a defenseless animal, imagine how s/he treats other human beings.

    Go B.A.R.C.

  3. mr. belvedere on Fri, 5th Oct 2007 12:51 am
  4. missheather on Fri, 5th Oct 2007 9:31 am
  5. Thanks for the heads-up Mr. Belvedere. That said, I seriously doubt Rebecca was up to anything malicious. Perhaps she was simply unaware these dogs had been adopted? She is in the process of moving, after all.

    Oh well.

  6. Rebecca11222 on Fri, 5th Oct 2007 6:39 pm
  7. Okay, I’m a moron who trusted my friend (who regularly rescues dogs) to not be a flake. Never again.

    That said, when I initially called the foster mom, the puppies had not all been adopted. Now they are. And the public humiliation commences. Sorry.

  8. mr. belvedere on Sat, 6th Oct 2007 1:22 am
  9. i think its well worth it to suffer through a relatively harmless scam now and then in order to serve the greater good of helping creatures created and cast aside by our (homo sapiens) illustrious rise to power…

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