Presenting The WTF Building

June 19, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I suspect I speak for many in north Greenpoint when I say that I am happy this week’s film shoot on Manhattan Avenue is over. It was kind of novel at first but after a day or two of being redirected to side streets by lackeys bearing walkie talkies it became a more than a little annoying. However, I did reap something positive— or at the very least interesting— out of the experience. Like finding the following at 188 Freeman Street.


I have seen a lot of strange shit construction-wise in Greenpoint over the years but this one takes the cake. Follows is a shot taken after the folks at S & M Construction (I am not kidding— that is who is responsible for this) have called it a day.


I have to hand these folks credit for making this site “airtight”. Hell, it’s a jolly big blue fortress replete with concertina wire. But it does raise the question as whether their goal is to keep people out or to keep people in?

Very peculiar indeed.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Presenting The WTF Building

  1. travis on Fri, 19th Jun 2009 7:05 pm
  2. No, The Bounty is not done, they will be back on Manhattan Ave. from June 23-29th (as I was just informed by a PA; notices to be posted soon?).
    The number of the mayor’s film office is 212-489-6710
    The NYPD film unit # is 718-281-1235
    Both answer 9-5 (because this is the city that never sleeps, but where our government does, unless, of course, you’re a film studio that would like to use a “gritty urban community” as a free film set)
    Does anyone know if the white xerox paper parking notices they posted mid-Thursday on Manhattan Ave. securing all parking for Thurs.(the day they posted them mid=afternoon)-Fri. are in any way legal?
    I believe I will put big signs that say “JENNIFER ANISTON iS FAT!! GO BRAD! WE [heart] ANGELINA!!” in my windows facing Manhattan Ave. next week (before anyone goes PC on me, this is simply my effort to imagine what they would least like to see in viewfinder on setting up a shot for a Jennifer Aniston vehicle. Better suggestions welcome; I have 3 windows to work with).

  3. minxerelli on Sun, 21st Jun 2009 10:20 pm
  4. i’m not sure if your proposed signs are a matter of being PC or not. they seem to be more in the realm of not funny, unkind, and a product of misplaced frustration…obviously an actor in the movie has nothing to do with the details of production.

  5. SandM Construction on Wed, 24th Jun 2009 1:53 pm
  6. In answer to your question: Trying to keep them in check was met with limited success at first but finally we seem to have mastered the art. Please feel free to stop by anytime, as we will be happy to provide you with a demonstration of our methodologies. Suffice it to say, don’t bother bringing your own-we will glady provide our own whips and chains. Finally, we are dissapointed that you failed to take note of the pirate flag flying above the building.

    All the best,

    S&M Construction a/k/a The 188 Freeman Street Pirates

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