Steal this woman’s caulk and you will rot in hell

June 10, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

As many of you are aware, Sunday I co-conducted Forgotten-NY‘s tour of Greenpoint. I think most of the attendees will agree with me when I say that it was a very enjoyable (if lengthy) experience. Not only was I pleased by the high turn-out (of very nice and interesting people), but I am proud of my fellow Greenpointers for making them feel right at home.

Woman on Calyer Street

Without argument, the above woman was one of my favorite (if accidental) highlights of the tour. We encountered her on Calyer Street just west of McGuinness Boulevard. You will notice that a sign graces her fence. Her companion was kind enough to model it for us.

To the person who robbed me

As I have said many times before, Greenpointers are not afraid to speak their minds. When asked about why she put up this sign, my new Greenpoint heroine was more than happy to oblige. Apparently a friend of hers dropped off $70.00 worth of caulk at her house. He (or she) left it inside the gate. Before this woman could put her newly acquired cache of caulk to use, someone saw fit to steal it.

May they ROT IN HELL indeed! Why the fuck would someone steal $70.00 worth of caulk anyway? I hope she finds the perpetrator and kicks his ass.

Only in Greenpoint, folks.

Miss Heather


8 Comments on Steal this woman’s caulk and you will rot in hell

  1. Rebecca11222 on Sun, 10th Jun 2007 7:36 pm
  2. In an unrelated story: The Nassau Avenue ficus tree bandit remains at large.

  3. Matthew on Sun, 10th Jun 2007 11:21 pm
  4. The lady and I ran into your tour twice during our sunday walkabout today. Upon first encounter we were trying to figure out why there was a gaggle of folks taking pictures out front of the garden and some fellow yammering on a bullhorn, but then we saw red hair and remembered that the tour was happening and were reassured that the internet does indeed provide all answers. The second time we saw the group was down green street by west, i believe, that time we walked by the group and lingered on purpose because we’re terribly nosy. It’s too bad I have a deathly aversion to group tours, because this one sounded pretty awesome!

  5. dupreciate on Mon, 11th Jun 2007 6:36 am
  6. We rode by you guys at McGuinness and Greenpoint Ave. Walking tour groups in Greenpoint are indeed an odd sight.

  7. missheather on Mon, 11th Jun 2007 6:40 am
  8. Save the occasional tour group comprised of real estate agents and developers. That’s why people around here get suspicious. Can’t say I blame them.

  9. mikeypod on Wed, 13th Jun 2007 4:20 am
  10. hey! you interested in doing a “soundseeing tour” of Greenpoint with me for my podcast? I just moved into the West Village for the summer and am missing Brooklyn like mad!

  11. bitchcakes on Mon, 28th Jan 2008 1:30 pm
  12. That woman is awesome! She takes the B61 bus with me in the morning. Her name is Jeanette (sp?).

    I’ve seen the Matty flyers but didn’t know him. Thanks for the background.

  13. theresa on Sat, 2nd Feb 2008 10:43 am
  14. jeannette will kick your ass if u frig with her shit lol….we r the top garbage pickers in greenpoint …we been doin it for years right jean lol??but and i say but …if its inside a gate ..its not considered garbage real greenpointers know that !! jeannette can i have yr autograph now that u r famous lol…good to see matty too nice pics ya theresa

  15. theresa on Sat, 2nd Feb 2008 10:49 am
  16. lol……….love it ……we r well proclaimed garbage pickers ourselves but dont pick shit out of the gate thats a no no lol…outside the gate near the cans ..hanging on gate near the cans ..on sidewalk near cans ..thats for the takin ..but inside the gate …well u seen the sign ….goin to helllll in a chaulk bucket no less lollllllllllllllllllll…………..

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