Reader Question: 110 Green Street

November 3, 2008 by
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 

A writes:

… (name excised) mentioned to me a while back that you live near me… and that you had also been having issues with the construction workers at magic johnson’s wonderful new condos.. and that you had phoned up and complained – do you have the phone number for the appropriate offices? i am completely fed up with them saying shit to me every single time i walk down my street..

Truth be told I did not phone these assholes up. This is because I felt blogging their bullshit (preferably with photographs) in the vain hope of shaming them publicly to be more effective. That said, my advice to you is to send a detailed letter to their sales office outlining some of the experiences you have had at the hands of the “professionals” who are building their luxury Valhalla. For shits and giggles why not copy HollabackNYC on your tome as well? In all likelihood they’ll be more than happy to publish it. As will I!

Attn: Sales Office
110 Green Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

HollabackNYC: hollabackNYC (at) gmail (dot)com

Good luck and of course you are more than welcome to recount these gents’ assholic behavior here on New York Shitty. Last Friday I shit you not one of these turds snatched candy off my tray designated for Trick or Treating children. He and his loser cronies thought it was funny.


Miss Heather


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